Research Facilities

Below are several research facilities owned by our laboratory for both experimental and numerical works. In addition, we also frequently utilize other common research facilities owned by the university or by other research groups, including the supercomputer. Below are several representative facilities we own.

Main Measurement Facilities in Lab

Thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA)Rigaku TG-DTA EV02
Gas chromatography (GC) TCD and FID (with methanizer)Shimadzu GC-2014
Gas chromatograph (GC) TCDGLS GC-3200
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) with ATRShimadzu IRXross + QATR 10
Raman System StellarNet (532 nm, 200 – 5250 cm-1) with adjustable CW laser 0 – 100 mW
Mass spectrometry (MS)Ulvac Qulee with YTP-H BGM2-202
X-ray diffraction (XRD)Rigaku MiniFlex 600
Battery test systemScribner 580 (eight channels)
CellTest Multichannel PotentiostatSolartron CellTest 1470E
Potentiostat/GalvanostatMetrohm Dropsens ST400
High-speed cameraChronos 2.1-HD
UV-VisShimadzu UV-1900i
LCR meterLCR-6200
Gas analyzerTesto 350 (with six gas sensors: CO, CO2, O2, NO, NO2, SOx)
Combustion test chamber
Photo reactor system
Power AnalyzerHioki 3920
pH meterEutech PCWP300
and many others …